Hiking Tours
Get your feet wet, step into the jungle,
and see white faced capuchin monkeys!
Monkey Tour
Visit a private conservation where you can interact with Capuchin (white faced) Monkeys. Enjoy a hands-on experience feeding the monkeys while enjoying the natural environment around you.
Easy - Intermediate
Duration & Start Times
7 AM, 8 AM or 2:00 PM (Monday-Thursday)
Weekends only available at 7 AM or 8 AM
Tour Description
Have you ever fed capuchin monkeys? Personally meet a family of monkeys that are friendly enough to feed. This tour is amazing, engaging, and fun.
Transportation is available
- Closed-toed shoes (Sneakers, etc.)
- Hat and/or Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Extra water and/or water bottle
- Bug Spray (Just in case)
No coolers